SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier

Order SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier

SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier

SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier looks good in design, features and function. The very best function of the product is basically simple to clean and control. The planning and layout are quite fantastic which render it really appealing and beauty. Many people feel enthusiastic about purchase and utilize it. Every feature is created to fulfill people require since it's function too. It really is stunning and ideal product for simple setup, upkeep, and control device..

Asin : B016ZBBN9Y
Category :Electronics
Color :
Brand :Sundown Audio
Sales Rank :

SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier

Features SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier

  • Double-sided SMT Epoxy PCB | 1-Ohm Stable Circuit |Two amp linkable function: Output master and input slave
  • 24dB/Oct Variable Crossover Slope | 24dB/Oct Variable Subsonic Crossover Slope | Multi-way Protection Cicuitry (Thermal, Over Currect, Speaker Short, Speaker DC Protection)
  • RCA Input and RCA Mater Output to RCA Slave Input | Input Sensitivity: 6V-0.2V | Subsonic Crossover Filter: 10Hz-50Hz
  • Variable Bass Boost: 0-12dB | Variable Los Pass Filter: 30Hz-250Hz | Signal / Noise Ratio: >100dB | Damping Factor: +150
  • Tested Voltage and THD: 14.4V and Less than 1% THD | Operating Voltage: DC 10V-16V Power Input Wired Remote Controller

  • Honestly, the product is very smart function, healthy and safety for users. SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier is extremely important to finish all user requires. The planning is extremely light, appealing and stylish one. With the most recent innovation, the product can meet all individuals expectation with fantastic function and function. You can easily obtain the dedicated vendor. Individuals will get and find it on the internet on the net at this site. The owner is very useful to serve and send your product in time shipment. It's very exceptional service with the top quality product. The main one characteristic to think about about the product that there is nobody felt trouble and dissatisfied with it. It works perfectly as the ads said previously.

    Descriptions SAE-1500D - Sundown Audio Monoblock 1500W RMS Digital Class D Amplifier

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